Hello Friday!
Hello everyone on this fabulous sunny and warm Friday. Hopefully this is the start of our summer. Claire & I are busy getting ready for the Vintage and Makers Market this weekend. Come in and say hello if you can. It is free entry and is open from 10am to 4pm. There is so much going on around Swansea this weekend. By the Waterfront Museum we have got the vintage car show on in the Marina square tomorrow all day and there is a steam engine on the museum green from 12pm to 3pm while on Sunday the Marina Food Market is on. What are you all up to this weekend - making the most of the sunshine.
I have been busy making some new kimono style jackets ready for the market and then they will be put on the website. I hope you like them. Claire has been busy making some Japanese knot bags to add to the display and I have also made a pair of patchwork cushions. Rhod and I managed to get out for a lovely walk on the bank holiday down Oxwich Bay. It is so beautiful there and the tide was right out.
Yes that is blue sky you can see - I loved capturing it in the sand. The tide was right out that day!
You can just make out Oxwich Bay Hotel in the distance.
Sorry for the shortish blog this week but I am now off to have a well-deserved lie down and a large glass of fizz. Have a lovely weekend and see you next Friday x Suzanne