Hello Friday!
The Folly at Clyne Gardens
Hello everyone. The week has flown by. How was your Easter? I hope you had a chance to get outdoors and dodge the showers. I managed to get a few walks in and stay dry. Today Rhod & I went to Clyne Gardens in Blackpill, Swansea. They never disappoint whatever season we are in. The colours were lovely and vibrant making us smile. There was even some sunshine! Don’t forget we have got our first workshop on 11th April at The Whirlybird Cafe in Swansea Airport. Our next one is Friday 17th May which will be a crochet workshop. Posters to follow. After that, our workshops will be held on the 3rd Friday of every month. Claire has set up a dedicated workshop page on our website where you can find all the up to date information.
Learn to make a Granny Square at our May Workshop
I have been busy getting our April newsletter out. If you want to subscribe, it is easy, just click on our website link www.sistermakes.co.uk and go to the bottom of our front page and sign up. There is a great discount code which is only open to subscribers. Claire has been busy updating our website and has put links to all our stockists such as Adelante and Cortile Coffee. I have been working on some commissions. A lady liked our vintage floral print bags in Adelante and has asked if we can make her a waistcoat using her own vintage waistcoat to work from. I love working on something so personal that will be unique to her and also be sustainable as it will be using vintage fabric.
One of our new Japanese knot bags - make sure to have a look at our website as Claire has been busy - she has put together some beautiful prints
Have a great week x Suzanne