Hello Friday!
Hello everyone how has your week been? Claire and Simon have been away, busy spending time with their grandchildren. There have been birthday parties and trips. Time goes by so quickly and they grow up so fast. The trip was great but poor Claire and Simon needed a rest when they got home. Spending time with loved ones is so important. The front cover of my blog shows the blossom starting to come out on my apple trees. It is not so good this year. I think it is because it has been so wet and windy. Never mind. I still get joy from looking out the windows and seeing the lovely pink and white flowers.
Our first workshop has been and gone which everyone enjoyed and we are looking forward to our next one in May which is a crochet workshop. I have included a poster with all the details on it. Please like it on social media and share it to others you think would enjoy it. We would be so grateful if you can as Facebook and Instagram are so important as a way to get information out to others. We will be doing workshops every third Friday from June onwards and I will share a list of what we will be doing. We will also make sure our website is updated. Have a look at our dedicated workshop page www.sistermakes.co.uk/workshops.
I love the colours and patterns - very spring like
I am busy working on a commission from a lovely lady that I met when Claire & I were dropping off some stock to Naomi at Adelante’s in Mumbles. I will share some photos on next week’s blog. I am also making a kimono style jacket out of some lovely vintage William Morris fabric that I found in my stash. Again photos to follow. Claire is busy as always making lovely new bags and scarves.
Again I love the colour and patterns of this beautiful Japanese Knot Bag
Have a lovely week. Hopefully the weather will perk up x Suzanne
Park Life…
Clyne Park April 2022
We are very blessed in Swansea to have so many beautiful parks.
My favourite at this time of year is Clyne. I would love a bag in the colours of the blooms out at this time of year.