Happy Friday!
Hello everyone. How has your week been? Hope it has been good. We have had lots of sunshine in Swansea. Yay! It is so nice to feel warm. I’ve been taking the opportunity to sit out in the garden when I can. It’s so good for the soul. Rhod & I took a day off and went to Dyffryn Gardens near Cardiff this week. We haven’t been there for a few years. The National Trust have done a lot of work restoring the gardens. We had a great day out in the sunshine admiring all the different types of ‘garden rooms’ that they have created. You can’t go in the house unfortunately but they have a lovely cafe and gift shop. I can recommend the apricot flapjacks. Claire and I always love a good gift shop.
Today was our second crochet workshop. I missed the first one. I have always wanted to learn to crochet so this was my chance. Karen & Laura are so passionate about this craft. They love to teach. All of us who attended the workshop left with a big smile and being able to crochet a granny square. Mind you I definitely need lots of practice. Allison and Sue who attended could already crochet but both felt they had learnt a lot from today. Don’t forget our next workshop is again at Dunvant Farm Shop on July 19th and is all about the embroidery. You will leave with your own unique tote bag. Our workshops are a lovely relaxed way to meet new people with a love of crafting. Booking is essential which can be done by going to www.sistermakes.co.uk/workshop.
Claire is busy completing a bag for a commission plus making her own handmade fabric. Photos to follow. I am making some table runners and placemats using a new quilt block which I am excited about for Adelante. Lots going on. Have a lovely week and see you next Friday x Suzanne
Happy Monday!
Claire has been busy
Love this print…very vibrant
Hello and Happy Bank Holiday everyone. I thought I would post on a Monday for a change. How are you all? I hope you have had a lovely bank holiday weekend. It’s been a mixed bag of weather but we have managed to get out and about over the weekend. Rhod & I went to Clyne Gardens. We always love it there. It’s a great place to just sit and be, soak up the fresh air and listen to the breeze rustling through the trees. There was lots of colour from the rhododendrons and azaleas even after that mad storm we had in the week. How crazy was that storm! I’ve put some photos of the Japanese Bridge and waterfall at Clyne.
I have been busy making a quilt for an exhibition that Swansea Quilters are holding in August. I needed to get it done for the beginning of this week as the lovely Julia from Swansea Quilters is going to long-arm quilt it for me. I love seeing the quilt emerge as I sew the blocks together and put on the borders. I bought myself a gorgeous range of fabrics from the Festival of Quilts a few years back and didn’t know what to do with them. I knew I wanted to do a quilt but couldn’t make up my mind about a style. I then found this pattern in a magazine and knew it would make the prints pop. I love it!
I think the ginger jar blocks showcase the lovely prints
This will hopefully be a lap quilt…..mind you I might change my mind and put it on the wall
Claire has been busy making some tote bags for Adelante. Naomi was looking for a tropical feel to put in the window. I think Claire has delivered. I love the colours and patterns in her patchwork and the lining. They look very summery.
I promised to put on some pictures of the crochet workshop which took place when I was away. Everyone had a lovely time and no-one went without completing a granny square….even the complete beginners. It was so popular that we will be doing another one in June. I have put the details below.
This is our next workshop
If you want to book a place, just click here
What sort of week have you all got? Claire is busy with her patchwork. I will be working on some commissions. Whatever you are doing have a great week. See you on Friday x Suzanne
Hello Friday!
Hello everyone how has your week been? Claire and Simon have been away, busy spending time with their grandchildren. There have been birthday parties and trips. Time goes by so quickly and they grow up so fast. The trip was great but poor Claire and Simon needed a rest when they got home. Spending time with loved ones is so important. The front cover of my blog shows the blossom starting to come out on my apple trees. It is not so good this year. I think it is because it has been so wet and windy. Never mind. I still get joy from looking out the windows and seeing the lovely pink and white flowers.
Our first workshop has been and gone which everyone enjoyed and we are looking forward to our next one in May which is a crochet workshop. I have included a poster with all the details on it. Please like it on social media and share it to others you think would enjoy it. We would be so grateful if you can as Facebook and Instagram are so important as a way to get information out to others. We will be doing workshops every third Friday from June onwards and I will share a list of what we will be doing. We will also make sure our website is updated. Have a look at our dedicated workshop page www.sistermakes.co.uk/workshops.
I love the colours and patterns - very spring like
I am busy working on a commission from a lovely lady that I met when Claire & I were dropping off some stock to Naomi at Adelante’s in Mumbles. I will share some photos on next week’s blog. I am also making a kimono style jacket out of some lovely vintage William Morris fabric that I found in my stash. Again photos to follow. Claire is busy as always making lovely new bags and scarves.
Again I love the colour and patterns of this beautiful Japanese Knot Bag
Have a lovely week. Hopefully the weather will perk up x Suzanne