Wonderful Workshops - Happy Friday!
Hello everyone. How has your week been? Claire and I have been busy making some new stock for Adelante. Claire has made some quilted pouches using Halloween patchwork which are such fun. We have also got some Japanese Knot Bags in Halloween fabric which are great to hold your sweets in when you are ‘Trick or Treating’. I have finished a kimono style jacket. I want to let you know about our next workshop which is all about the snowflake. You will learn to make crochet snowflakes which can be made up into decorations for the Christmas tree or around the home but can also be made into garlands and bunting. What a fab way to do your bit for going green over Christmas. Head over to our website to book your place.
What are you up to this weekend? It is the Swansea Arts Festival this weekend and I am hoping to pop along to some of the events that are going on around Swansea. Claire and I are busy creating some new designs. We are looking forward to sharing these with you in the future however if you want a little teaser subscribe to our newsletter for a preview of what Claire is creating. Whatever you are up to have a great time and I will see you next week x Suzanne
Exciting News to Share - Happy Friday!
Hello everyone. How has your week been. Claire and I are excited to share some news but be warned, it has the C word in it. Yes Christmas! We will again be part of ‘The Big Local Christmas Market 2024’. You can find this fabulous online market on Facebook and is running from 15th September right up to 24th December. There is an amazing array of gifts from artisan crafts people, makers, artists and bakers. It is run by the lovely Natalie Wright who is passionate about small, local businesses.
We recently took part in The Vintage and Makers Market in The Waterfront Museum. We had a great weekend meeting customers old and new. The market never gets boring as there are so many different stalls. Everywhere you look there is lots of colour. We have been busy making stock including new kimono style jackets for Adelante in Mumbles. Claire is working hard on new kit designs - more to follow. These make great gifts and are fabulous stocking fillers for all ages. We have got some fun Halloween Mini Rag Wreath Kits which you can purchase on our website.
Tomorrow we are back to Swansea Quilters. It is a great way to connect with inspirational ladies who share our passion of fabric and colour. There is always a warm welcome for new members so if you fancy joining, it is held on the third Saturday of the month. Just let us know and we can give you all the details.
Have a great week and I will see you next Friday x Suzanne
Happy Friday!
New Japanese Knot Bag with the gorgeous parasol design on one side
Hello everyone. I hope you have had a good week. I can’t believe our second newsletter is going out this evening. This month I delve into the history of the handbag and look at trying to live more sustainably. I hope our subscribers enjoy it and to say thank you we are offering 10% off our Halloween Wreaths and Knot Bags. Don’t forget to pop on to our website Sister Makes and click on subscribe at the bottom of our homepage if you would like to receive a newsletter. This is the time when we are gearing up for Halloween and also Bonfire Night. The nights are drawing in and the air is autumnal.
Claire’s been busy making Halloween Rag Wreaths
Have a look at our website for more options
Claire & I are busy gearing up for the Kidwelly Market on October 7th. We are looking forward to this as it is a new market for us. There are lots of amazing stalls selling all sorts of food and crafts. We always get a buzz from seeing people’s joy when they look at our lovely makes. We recently went to Cowbridge to restock at Cortile Coffee and The Cowbridge Craft Hub. It was so exciting to see our stock in the windows.
It’s International Coffee Day on October 1st
Cortile Coffee do a great selection of coffee and also coffee makers and accessories
You can visit them in Cowbridege and Pontypridd and also buy online
See you all next week x Suzanne
Spooky Halloween Rag Wreaths
Let the Halloween making begin!
Pumpkins, spiders and slime green are just some of the creepy elements being included in the fabric choices for these spooky Halloween decoration rag wreaths.
If you would like to order a bespoke version please let me know asap!
Is it too early to be thinking of making Halloween stock?
Now the weather is back to normal after that heatwave it doesn’t feel quite so bad to be thinking of Winter…