Suzanne Thomas Suzanne Thomas

It’s The School Holidays!

Hello and happy Friday! It’s been a busy week at Sister Makes. We’ve been working on commissions and Claire is working on something new. More on that in our new newsletter out in August! We have also been stewarding at The Quilters Guild of the British Isles, Region 12 Mid & South Wales Quilt Exhibition called ‘Wales Wide Whispers’. It is being held at the Baywood Community Centre, West Cross, Swansea and is on for one more week 10am-4pm. Entry and parking are free. It is a lovely way to pass some time especially if you are dodging the showers!

Exhibition of Wales Wide Whispers

Well worth a visit

The school holidays are here - hooray! Now we just need the sunshine. If you are going on holiday our small knot bags are perfect to take with you as they are light and easy to pack - a bonus if you are going abroad. Even better they are reversible so you have two looks which are great for co-ordinating with your holiday outfits. There are lots of colours and designs so you are bound to find the perfect bag for you. Have a look at our website. Happy holidays Suzanne and Claire.

Japanese Knot Bag

Ideal for your holiday outfits - home or abroad

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Suzanne Thomas Suzanne Thomas

How Time Flies!

Turquoise and pink Rice Bag

A beautiful gift for all occasions

Happy Friday everyone. Can you believe we are nearly at the end of the school year! It’s hard to believe with all this rain that it’s the middle of July. Now is the perfect time to show the teachers in your life some appreciation for their dedication and hard work. Our knot bags and rice bags make the perfect gift. They are fully reversible so you have two bags for the price of one…and are even better with some chocolates in them! They are sure to make every teacher feel they are valued and appreciated. You can see our designs here - just click on Sister Makes. Our bags are also a great way to support Plastic Free July. Buying one of our bags is a great way to help the planet and also to shop locally. Have a fabulous weekend hopefully with some sunshine!

Small red & green floral knot bag

I love the vibrancy of the colours in this knot bag.

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Suzanne Thomas Suzanne Thomas

Hurray! It’s Friday!

Hurray! It’s Friday!

One of my favourite Japanese fabrics - love the colours on these parasols

Hello hope everyone is ready for the weekend whether you are out and about or just chilling and relaxing. I know the weather forecast isn’t brilliant but hopefully the sun will come out. What are your plans? Claire is going to a Quilters Guild open day on Saturday. I’m hoping to get some walks in. I’ve got my waterproofs ready just in case! Lots of sewing planned for next week. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter. You can do this on our website We will be rolling out our first newsletter in August. Claire & I are really looking forward to sharing our love of all things sewing & fashion especially bags. We would love to hear what you would like to be included in our newsletters. Have a lovely weekend from me & Claire x

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Suzanne Thomas Suzanne Thomas

The Joy of a Crossbody Bag!

Our crossbody handbag…

This is a great size. It may only be small but it is great for your everyday needs. Just ask Claire! This is her’s and she uses it all the time. We can make them in all colours and to suit you.

What’s your perfect everyday bag? Claire & I love a crossbody bag! These bags go across your torso keeping all your belongings safe, close and easy to hand. They are great for your everyday life but are really useful for all sorts of adventures. Crossbody bags come in all shapes and sizes - from handbag to messenger bag. At Sister Makes we love to make our favourite bags but especially the crossbody style.

This is an example of our messenger bags…

This was made for a lovely lady who wanted a bag to take on her travels to Australia. It needed to hold her iPad, phone and all her documentation safely. I used five different fabrics to make the flap and pockets in patchwork. It has a patch pocket under the flap, a zip pocket in the back, a patch pocket inside and another zipped pocket inside making it an ideal bag for travel or work.

We love to make our bags using beautiful Japanese fabrics but we also love patchwork and quilting. The world is your oyster! We can make a bag in your colour and style. For more ideas have a look at our gallery on our website You can also follow us on Instagram and Facebook. If you haven’t already please sign up for our newsletter. We will be starting the newsletters from August and there will be 10% off crossbody bags for newsletter subscribers.

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

Komainu - lion-dogs…

Komainu or lion-dogs in English, are sacred guardians of shrines and temples protecting them from evil spirits.

Here at Sister Makes, we have recently stocked up on some beautiful fabric featuring these wonderful mythical animals.

A knot bag in black is finished with a brown and green version to follow shortly - all will be available later this week to buy from our website.

I hope you love these as much as I do - I know I would love a Komainu as a pet (although I would quite like a dragon too!).

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Suzanne Thomas Suzanne Thomas

The Sun Has Got His Hat On!

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful sunshine. I’ve been sitting out in the garden doing some hand sewing. Too nice to be at the sewing machine.

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

Busy! Busy!

Sorry if we have been a little quiet recently! We were busy getting ready for the Maritime Museum Maker and Vintage Fair.

It was a fab weekend and with the sun shining it proved to be excellent fun!

Back to making new stock now - and remembering to post more online!!

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

Coffee Time…

Very exciting news for Sister Makes! We have teamed up with Cortile Coffee in Cowbridge and have a small selection of items for sale in the shop!

There are some rice bags but slightly larger than our usual ones with a padded bottom in order to hold Cortile’s beautiful Japanese tea pots. New to Sister Makes and currently only available at the shop are some coasters and placemats to compliment the bags and tea sets.

Do pop in and have a look - they sell some fantastic hot chocolate too!

Cortile Coffee - Coffee Machines & Repairs - Cortile Coffee

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Claire Amos Claire Amos


No making today! Afternoon spent looking at accounts - has to be done! Lots of filing and spreadsheet fun!

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

Something New…

Hoop Art

Been trying out some new crafts! Hoop Art!

Would love to hear people’s thoughts about the hoop pictured - please be kind!

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

Wool! Finished!

Finished at last - my lovely wool wall hanging! Something new for me and so much fun to learn! Think there may be a few more of these in my future….

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

Wool! Glorious Wool!

Suzanne and I have tried a new craft - wool loom weaving!

The wall hangings are a WIP and need to be finished off but we did have so much fun!

Watch this space for photos - when finished! We are even thinking of adding wall hangings to our Sister Makes makes!

Thanks to Happy Ever Crafter in Pennard for such a good day and inspirational class - Happy Ever Crafter | Pennard | Facebook

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

Spring Tidy Up….

I have been looking at my stash and thinking I really need to sort this all out and have a Spring tidy up!

So far I have gone through 2 bags of scraps! They have been sorted into a slightly tidier version according to colours and sizes - this may take a while…. it will probably take me even longer to decide what to make with them!

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

New Sales Platform…

Exciting news! Sister Makes has just set up a shop front on the new website BUY INDIE - check it out using the link

Sister Makes (

We are looking forward to this new venture and encourage everyone to take the time to check out the other lovely crafters on the site.

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

Christmas is near…

Just a quick note to say Thank You for all your support and love this year and to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Over the Christmas, Suzanne and I are looking at some new style bags and perhaps even some makes that are completely different for us… We are even talking of making some changes to the website!

We hope the New Year will be full of joy and love for everyone!

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

Halloween Rag Wreaths

Halloween rag wreaths

Think I have made my last Halloween rag wreath for 2022! Time to concentrate on the Christmas rag wreaths…

Don’t forget we can make wreaths and bags to order - just drop us an email

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

Sewing Machine Joy!

Hooray! My sewing machine has been fixed! Thank You Cliffords in Swansea.

Have spent the morning cutting out ready for some sewing. Watch this space for some more Japanese Knot Bags - my favourite sewing make!

Also working on an idea for Christmas gift sets…..

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

Sewing Machine Horror!

ARGH! My sewing machine is not happy and is not working properly! I have tried everything - I think it might need servicing….

Silver lining though - does mean I have caught up with some paperwork and finished a few Halloween wreaths!

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

Quilts Galore

Suzanne and I are back from a visit to the Festival of Quilts.

We had a fantastic time. So many stunning quilts - feeling very inspired!

And don’t get me started on the fabric! So much choice! A fair bit was purchased - some for work and some for personal use - all of it beautiful!

There may also have been quite a few cocktails and lots of yummy food….

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Claire Amos Claire Amos

Loving a Rainbow….

Getting ready for September’s Pride in Cowbridge by making some rainbow coloured rag wreaths.

Suzanne and I love colour so these have been a joy to work on.

We will be selling them at The Cowbridge Craft Hub - a fantastic shop celebrating some amazing makers and their fantastic makes.

#CowbridgePride #CowbridgeCraftHub

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